From taxes to quality of education, society has faced a sea of troubles for more than a century. But unlike one hundred years ago, today we face a sea of coaches. Business coaches, health coaches, holistic coaches, executive coaches, financial coaches, divorce coaches. You name it. Someone somewhere has become an expert in solving a specific problem. The real question is: Who to trust? This couldn’t be more true in the area of self-help, happiness, and personal growth. Luckily for the Northern VA Advice Giver reader, there’s Cindy Battino (BHSP) certified life coach, fitness trainer, Pilates instructor, energy worker and happiness expert. Cindy’s mission and purpose? Helping clients find happiness in their daily lives by teaching life and relationship skills. With this list of credentials, and more, one would think Cindy was born happy. Sadly, this was not the case. Nearly 27 years ago Cindy was living an idyllic version of the American Dream. But, despite the seemingly perfect lifestyle, inside, she was miserable. It was during this time Cindy experienced three epiphanies that changed her life forever. In recognizing she was the common denominator of her misery, Cindy realized she was never taught the skills needed to develop happiness. As such, she embarked on a journey for nearly a decade studying with the best coaches in the world, which included earning her second bachelor’s degree from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. In 2011, Cindy founded Transformational Healing and has been helping people living a life of quiet desperation find true happiness. On the issue of pursuing results verses pursuing a passion, Cindy argues it’s less about making the “right” choice, and more about understanding the outcomes of each lifestyle. For her, being called to help others was paramount to the lifestyle she lead. But no matter where you’re at, Cindy encourages everyone to ask for help and surround yourself with people to help you succeed. Especially with people that possess knowledge you don’t have. “I think there are wake up calls and lessons we can either choose to learn from or choose not to. I really believe that obstacles in our path are there for a reason. The question is, ‘What’s the reason?’ ‘What are we supposed to learn?’” Outside of being a life coach, a large part of Cindy’s work is with energy, and helping people on their own metaphysical journey. Can anyone learn to work with energy? Yes. Just like any other area of study, developing the skills to do so takes time. Is it required? No. Energy work isn’t for everyone. To the open skeptic, Cindy suggests everyone experiences energy work with a certified expert at least once, to fully understand what’s involved. To learn more about Cindy, her work, her services, and set up a free 30 minute consultation, visit: