Life hits all of us unexpectedly. At its worst, it can scar us permanently whether it be physically, emotionally, spiritually, or mentally. This can make the path to recovery feel insurmountable. Especially when it comes to a negative prognosis. Jennifer Cochran, founder and owner of Fitness Design Solutions is here to tell us that your current condition isn’t your destiny. The best thing you can do? Keep moving. Not just mentally, but in all walks of life. The most effective way to get the gears rolling, and overcome willpower, starts with physical activity. Scientifically speaking, numerous studies have proven the positive health effects that result from staying active. Dopamine hits aside, Jennifer can speak to this first hand in her own journey. Following a car accident in 2006 that lead to knee trauma and a bilateral mastectomy in 2016, Jennifer realized one major gap for retention in physical therapy was a mental game. It’s part of why she is so passionate about meeting people where they’re at. If you’ve had nerve damage that sometimes makes it feel like that body part is wet, when it’s otherwise dry. You’re not crazy. She’s felt the same thing in own her knee. Likewise, she experienced the draining up-and-down weekly energy cycles many cancer fighters go through in their own chemo treatments. Fortunately, Jennifer was on her way to becoming a certified Cancer Exercise Specialist prior to her accident. Well before she was diagnosed with cancer herself. This helped her better navigate and understand many obstacles a survivor would need to overcome. Over a decade later, she now specializes in massage therapy, movement therapy, cancer exercise, and coaching. That said, you don’t have to be physically impacted to benefit from Fitness Designs. Jenn is just as excited to help those unsure where to start in their own fitness journey, whether they be stuck in a desk job with limited mobility, or tried going to the gym once, but left overwhelmed. “I want people to walk away [knowing] that wherever you are today [has no bearing on] whatever you want to be like. You can start today from wherever you are.” Jenn’s advice to entrepreneurs: speak your audience’s language. After Jenn’s website was rebuilt to reflect the experiences she had with cancer, she was able to engage her clients on a whole other level. Not only was she someone out to help cancer fighters and survivors, she became a living testimony. And more importantly, someone to relate to. You can learn more about Jenn and Fitness Design Solutions at: