Q: What is a “Podcast” exactly?
Think of it like a radio program with a few key differences.
Podcasts are not always a live broadcast; our podcasts are NOT aired live.
Listeners can tune into their favorite shows at their convenience. Sometimes they listen during their commute, or while working out;
They can be listened to directly on any device that can play audio files.
Q: Who listens to Podcasts?
Pretty much everyone.
Q: What do I need to prepare?
Read our emails and be yourself.
Trust us, we want you to sound just as awesome on recording as your story is to tell. And, we’ll give you all the tools you’ll need to make that happen. But that doesn’t mean you need to put on a show or “sound” a certain way to be “better.”
The best way to capture an audience and convey your point is through a personal story for each question. Be vulnerable. Be honest. Remember that the point of this podcast interview is to connect with the audience, and give advice.
The best way to connect is to show them that you are human – you’ve had struggles and failures, along with your successes and accomplishments. Connections and relationships are built from experiences and beliefs you have in common with others.
Q: When are Podcast Episodes released?
We typically air *select episodes once every two weeks.
Episodes that are posted are chosen by the editorial team, and typically fall two weeks after the interview is held. *Our editorial team cannot guarantee that all interviews will be released.
Q: How are episodes released?
The NOVA website, iTunes, Stitcher, & more.
When it’s time for release, we upload episodes to iTunes, Stitcher, all podcast applications, and of course our own website. The editorial team will contact you if your episode will be posted.
Q: Should I promote this interview? (How?)
Yes. Below are 2 Examples:
As with most announcements, clear and concise messaging is better–especially when it comes to social media. You don’t want people spending too much time trying to figure out what you’re saying. We’ve included 2 examples from previous guests that got a lot of attention.
EXAMPLE 1: (Email/Blog/Facebook)
Hi everyone, I’ve received some great news today!
I’ve been asked to interview with Northern VA Advice Givers to share some insider tips on the industry and why [YOUR BUSINESS NAME] is special. So keep your eyes and ears open! I’m a bit nervous – Wish me luck!
Thank you all for your support!
EXAMPLE 2: (Twitter/Messenger Apps/Texts)
Friends & Fam! Guess what just happened?! I’m super excited but also a bit nervous to announce I’ll be interviewed this week for the Northern VA Advice Givers® Podcast. Wish me luck!
Q: Will the interview be videoed?
Though only select podcasts receive videos, we record every podcast in both audio and video so that the editorial team can make the final creative decisions. So dress for success: however you would want to be seen in front of a client/customer!
**Please Note**
You will be recorded, which means you will be mic’d up. So, please be aware of what you’re wearing. A dress would not be ideal to wear to your interview.
Q: Is the interview going to be broadcast live?
Our production and editorial teams review every piece of content that comes in and make some edits to cut out some of the “umms” and “ahhs” that often happen in natural conversation.
Q: How long does the interview last?
Approximately 30 minutes.
We will allocate about 30 minutes for the interview itself (not including setup or tear-down), but the final podcast may be shorter (about 20-30 minutes) after editing.
Q: Where is the interview?
At the location you confirmed with our production team.
You can also find this information on the confirmation email you received from Calendly. Don’t forget! We will need access to the location/space approximately 30 minutes before we start recording.